end of life signs
It’s so hard to watch a loved one fade away. If you’re lucky enough, the process will happen quickly and peacefully. Others aren’t so lucky and the process can go on for an unbearable amount of time.

There a few signs to look for when it comes to the end of someone’s life. Knowing these signs will not only help you interact with the person passing, but it may help cushion the blow.

10 Physical End of Life Signs

There’s a difference between the emotional and physical end of life signs. The physical signs may be easier to detect.

1. Coolness

Their limbs may become cooler to the touch. You can help by keeping the person warm and comfortable.

2. Confusion

They may not realize where they are or who you are.

You should tell them who you are by name before talking to them. Speak to them calmly and how you’d usually talk them.

3. Sleeping

There will be an increased amount of time that they’ll sleep. They may have a hard time waking up as well. This is because the body is trying to conserve energy. They could have a hard time communicating.

You can hold their hand to let them know that you are there with them. You can talk to them softly while they are sleeping. They may be in a light sleep and able to hear you.

4. Incontinence

This is the loss of control of urinary and bowel functions. It’s a common side effect of being at the end of your life.

Do your best to keep them clean or let the hired caregiver know that it’s a problem.

5. Restlessness

Your loved one may begin to make the same motions over and over again. They could appear twitchy or upset. This is due to a decrease in oxygen.

Don’t try to stop the movements or restrain them. Instead, speak softly and rub their head. You can also try playing music or reading to them. Anything that you think will help them calm down.

6. Congestion

There may be some gurgling noises coming from their chest. This isn’t necessarily a sign of pain but it can be very frustrating. Try tilting their head side to side to drain out their sinuses.

7. Lack of Appetite

Your loved one may not want to eat or drink. This is because the body will naturally conserve energy, so food isn’t needed.

Don’t try to force them to eat or drink, it’ll only cause resistance. Instead, try some small ice chips or frozen juice chips.

8. Change in Breathing

They may start to take shallow breaths with bouts of time with no breathing for a few seconds. This means that there is in a decrease in circulation.

Try elevating their head or turning them on their side. Let them know you are still with them until they are calm.

9. Hallucinations

Experiencing hallucinations or visions is one of the most common ends of life signs. They’ll probably interact with these visions.

A typical hallucination is seeing loved ones who have passed away. These interactions will comfort them.

Don’t try to pull them out or tell them that what they experienced isn’t real. This will only upset them.

As they get closer to death, the hallucinations may become more intense and upset them. Try to give them a soothing touch and play relaxing music.

10. Body Becoming Weaker

You may have to help your loved one with more with simple tasks like lifting a glass because their muscles have grown weak.

Emotional End of Life Signs

Emotional end of life signs may be a little harder to detect, you might just think your loved one is acting odd. Everyone is different, but there are a few classic signs.

1. Making Funeral Plans

People will try to keep control of their life by giving away precious items and making plans. Even though it’ll be hard, support them in any way you can.

2. Withdrawal

They may try to isolate themselves and become nonresponsive. This means they’re detaching, it’s a normal sign of their time ending.

Don’t let their non-responsiveness deter you, keep talking to them or hold their hand.

3. Asking Permission

Your loved one might make odd statements or requests that are out of character. They could be testing you to see if you’re ready to let them go. If you’re chosen, show your support and give them permission to go.

Saying Goodbye

You may be lucky enough to be able to say goodbye to your loved one. This could be telling them you love them and them saying it back or it could be remembering a fond memory together.

Don’t be afraid to cry, it just shows how much you love them.

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